The Executive Diplomat
Protocol & Diplomacy for Today's Global 
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April 2013
In This Issue
Protocol in the News
National Days
April Fools' Day
Case Study: When Humor Falls Flat
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National Days 
April 1 - Iran
April 4 - Senegal
April 16 - Denmark
April 17 - Syria
April 18 - Zimbabwe
April 19 - Holy See
April 26 - Tanzania, Israel (2012)
April 27 - Sierra Leone, South               America, Togo
April 30 - Netherlands 

Book Corner 
Humor book  
Do's and Taboos of Humor Around the World
by: Roger E. Axtell





One of the most important skills for international success is a healthy sense of humor.  It can help keep things in perspective, break the ice, and build relationships.  However,  you must use it wisely, as humor applied incorrectly can create awkward moments and result in diplomatic disasters.  


It's important to remember that jokes and humor don't always translate.  Humor, like most things, depends on one's culture and background. So before telling that joke or story, do some research to make sure it's appropriate.  Run it by a few people from that country or culture. 


Last month I wrote about international marketing.  Here's a good example that also uses humor.  Thanks to Jorge Franz with the Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau for sharing this Berlitz commercial.  


Since April is the month we in the U.S. honor administrative assistants, I would like to thank the many I have had the honor of working with throughout the years.  You are the unsung champions who quietly get things done day-in and day-out, taking care of the myriad of details without which our organizations and companies would not function.  Thank you for all that you do. 



Sonia Garza-Monarchi

Garza Protocol Associates, LLC.




April Fools' Day 


Digital Big ben     


April Fools' Day is celebrated in several countries around the world, including Sweden, Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands and Great Britain.  In Italy and France, you may see paper fish on people's backs and hear shouts of "April fish."  While there are questions of its origins, April Fools' Day is celebrated by playing practical jokes.  There have been many famously elaborate and original jokes carried out throughout the years, and the press often joins in by carrying fake stories like the one about BMW developing a device that repels dogs from peeing on their car tires.  Two of my favorites include the all-time classic BBC coverage of the bumper crop of  spaghetti and the announcement that Big Ben had gone digital resulting in outrage by the British everywhere.


Other countries and cultures have similar celebrations where they play pranks on other days.  In Spain and Ibero-America, pranks are sometimes played on December 28th, the "day of the Holy Innocents."


Need to learn about appropriate uses of humor for presentations or have someone do a presentation that is educational, engaging, and funny without causing a faux-pas? Have another protocol dilemma? We're here to help!



 The Protocol Lady




Case Study: When Humor Falls Flat 


Dalai Lama   


I have had the honor of coordinating several visits of His Holiness the Dali Lama, and know that he has an excellent sense of humor.  I once saw him burst into laughter after wrapping  the kata, the traditional Tibetan scarf,  around and around and around the neck of then Mayor Kathy Whitmire until even her mouth was covered.  (This photo was taken after the Dali Lama had unwrapped the Mayor a bit.)


Sometimes, however, people try to be too cute or clever. Click here to see an example when a journalist tells the Dalai Lama a joke using a play on words.   If you do your homework and research what's appropriate, this shouldn't happen.  But, sometimes things go wrong. When they do, assess the situation.  If humor can be used to remedy the problem, proceed.  However,  in many cases, an apology may be the best alternative. Act quickly and sincerely.  The action needed will be determined by how badly the joke or humor went awry. 




Garza Protocol Associates, LLC
helps clients build profitable relationships, coordinates productive international visits, and manages successful events and trade missions, while avoiding costly cross-cultural misunderstandings.