The Executive Diplomat
Protocol & Diplomacy for Today's Global Leader .................................................................................

November  2012
In This Issue
Protocol in the News
The People's Republic of China, the 3 Ts and Thanksgiving
Best Practice: "Have 2 Ways Out"
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National Days 
November 1 - Algeria, Antigua & Barbuda 
November 3 - Dominica, Panama, Micronesia
November 4 - Tonga
November 9 - Cambodia
November 11 - Angola
November 18 - Latvia, Oman
November 19 - Monaco
November 22 - Lebanon
November 25 - Bosnia & Herzegovina, Suriname 
November 28 - Albania, Mauritania, Timor-Leste
November 30 - Barbados 

Book Corner

Culture Smart: China
 By: Kathy Flowers 

Dreaming in Chinese 
Mandarin Lessons In Life, Love, and Language 
 By: Deborah Fallows  




It seems that the more technology develops the more we are expected to produce with the latest time-saving gadget and the faster the pace of life becomes.  Everyone I speak to complains of time flying by and the challenge of trying to deal with information overload and the 24/7 clock.  


I just returned from a trip to China where it is still taboo to give clocks as a gift (the word in Chinese sounds like the word for death.) I don't know if it was related but several of our hotel rooms did not have clocks.  It was a pleasant change to find myself not living by the clock or checking e-mails every few minutes.


As the holiday season approaches for those of us in the U.S. and many western countries I hope you will make the time to slow down and focus on what really matters - people.  


I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.



Sonia Garza-Monarchi

Garza Protocol Associates, LLC



The People's Republic of China, the 3 Ts  and Thanksgiving


Among the most frequent requests for training and questions I receive are inquiries related to China.  One of the things I tell people is that they should be aware that when working with the Chinese at some point they will encounter at least one of the three "Ts: Taiwan, Tibet or Tiannamen."  These are three of the most sensitive issues governing the relationship between China and much of the global community.  Anyone doing business with China should be aware of these issues as inevitably they will come up at some point during your relationship.  


In the coming months I will address these issues in more detail but today I'll note a fourth "T" for Thanksgiving.   While in Tibet, I couldn't help but notice the very visible military presence (we were warned  to not take photos.)  The BBC also carried news of protests by young monks who even though they had never known  independence still yearned for it. 


On this favorite holiday I give thanks for this great country. Whether you've lived in the U.S. all of your life or are a newcomer I encourage you to join in this holiday which is open to all.  I have so much to be grateful for: my family, my friends, my clients and supporters.  To all of you I wish you and yours the happiest of Thanksgivings.



 Potala Palace 

Lhasa, Tibet



Best Practice: "Have 2 Ways Out"
This year's National Fire Protection Association theme is to "Have 2 Ways Out." The goal is to remind people to have an escape plan anywhere they go.  In an emergency, you may only have a few minutes to get out so it's essential to know where the exits are and have a plan.
A few months ago I worked on the visit of a chief of state who was coming to speak at a business forum. During one of the planning meetings it was suggested that at the beginning of the business forum there should be an emergency briefing. Some of the visit organizers were hesitant and said this wasn't their standard practice but fortunately others insisted and prevailed.  During one of the sessions the fire alarms went off, Secret Service quickly whisked the president out and into the secured holding room. The rest of the delegation and attendees exited in an orderly manner into the lobby as they had been directed in the emergency briefing. Thanks to the advance plan and briefing everyone knew what to do, where to go and had a way out. 

Garza Protocol Associates, LLC
helps clients build profitable relationships, coordinates productive international visits and manages successful events and trade missions while avoiding costly cross-cultural misunderstandings.